Conversion Optimisation: Everyone Plays a Part

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Whilst most digital marketing activity is managed by one person or a team of people,  that one activity that really makes a campaign tick can involve many more than just those directly responsible for it. Here, we look at the role everyone within an organisation could play within in the conversion optimisation process.

Almost everyone in a business could potentially play an important role in optimising search marketing campaigns, providing they understand how the information they obtain each day could be useful to those building and running them.

A sales team, for example, with a company could accept calls from potential customers, who consistently ask the same questions before committing to a purchase.

By ensuring that these questions are answered in – where possible – ad copy, on-page content or on a landing page, it’s possible to remove the barriers that previously prevented a sale, and increase conversions in just a couple of simple steps.

Other organisations might be able to take advantage of the information gathered by an outbound sales team. They may notice, when selling, they see a far greater amount of sales success in certain locations.

But how could this information be of use?

It could aid a digital marketing team when putting together a campaign aimed at attracting users in those particular areas – i.e. through optimisation on location-specific keywords, or PPC location targeting options.

A business’s finance department could contribute to its campaigns by identifying the products making the greatest margin. They could pass this information on to a team of digital marketers, who in turn could create campaigns around these products – bringing in high-grossing sales.

Products that are loss leaders, or which only generate a minimal profit, could be identified to ensure that they are not being used as focal points for any campaigns.

Conversion rates could see a boost with the introduction of a newly-designed website. The site’s design is something that should be refined and tested until the conversion rate has reached a satisfactory level.

Making the font on the homepage easier to read, increasing the size of images on product pages, redesigning the menus and ensuring that the checkout process is simple and intuitive can all make a big difference as far as conversion rates are concerned.

Creating targeted landing pages, including easily accessible delivery information and user-friendly searches, can help to ensure that visitors do not leave the site without finding what they want, which can be a problem if their journey through the site encounters problems.

On a larger scale, site designers should be informed by the site's analytics to ensure that they are addressing issues such as whether a mobile site could benefit business or whether there are keywords that could be targeted to yield better conversion rates.

In fact, this is often a good source of inspiration for long tail keywords.

When everyone contributes to the process of optimising conversion rates, it can really make a different to the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign.

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