SEO News Roundup: Why Pruning Content Is Actually A Valid Process

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The latest in search engine optimisation news, including why you should consider ‘pruning’ your content.

Why Pruning Content Is Actually A Valid Process


It appears Google’s Gary Illyes and John Mueller differ in opinions where improving and ‘pruning’ content is concerned.

According to Barry Schwartz:

The other day at SMX East, Gary Illyes from Google stirred the pot with SEOs by saying pruning content is not a good strategy to help with Panda issues.

Glenn Gabe then asked the same question to John Mueller, who responded in a recent webmaster hangout. He basically stated Gary was incorrect, and the process of improving and pruning content is a valid approach.

Does Google Need Structured Data And Schema?


Speaking of SMX East, Gary Illyes made an announcement concerning Google’s operating plans.

Barry Schwartz summarises in his article on 30th October 2017:

At SMX East, Gary Illyes from Google said that he wants to see Google to get to a place where they do not need structured data or schema. Meaning, that Google is not dependent on webmasters and publishers to markup their HTML with schema and data in order for Google to fully understand that this is a five star review or that is the thumbnail for the podcast…

When will this happen? When will Google be clever enough to not rely on structured data and schema?

Maybe not for a couple of years, but eventually this could be the case.

New Look For Mobile Search Results Interface


After many months of testing, Google is releasing the new ‘curvaceous’ design for the mobile search interface.

Historically this is the biggest design release since the unified card design four years ago.

On Friday 3rd November, a Google spokesperson announced the update:

We’re constantly working to improve your Search experience. That means not only introducing new features for exploration and discovery, but also enhancing the look, feel and design of search results. Now we’re rolling out an update to mobile that includes a wider bar to enter your search queries and a simple, white background which helps elevate and de-clutter the content from the web as you browse.

What do you think of this new look?

Don’t Be Word For Word With Multilingual Content


In short, don’t translate your multilingual pages word for word.

Most languages differ greatly in the grammatical make-up of syntax, which could result in vital information getting ‘lost in translation’, as it were.

Google recommends you harness the knowledge of someone who can speak both languages fluently, and have them translate your multilingual pages into natural, easy-to-read prose.

This means some words may not make the cut, but will improve your user experience by providing relevant, resonant content, whatever the language.

More SEO News and Advice

Read last week’s SEO News Roundup: Mobile-First Index Is Live Forever

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