Congratulations Jack - Our March Employee of the Month

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This month, our coveted employee of the month award went to Jack Adams. We got to know Jack and found out more about his role at ClickThrough.

Announcing our employee of the month is always an exciting time for us at ClickThrough. This month, the award and coveted mug goes to Senior Content Specialist, Jack Adams!

We caught up with Jack to find out a little bit more about him, and how his role fits in at ClickThrough.

"Jack works tirelessly on all accounts and really helps bridge the communication and understanding for clients. Jack is diligent, creative and always meets his deadlines. He's an asset to the business."

Can you tell us a little bit more about your role here at ClickThrough?

I'm a Senior Content Specialist. Primarily I work with the SEO and Content Specialists within the Organic team to develop and improve strategies for our clients. I'm here as a soundboard for ideas, sharing knowledge and providing guidance on best practice content writing. Naturally, my role also encompasses a fair bit of creating engaging copy that's optimised for search and conversion too!

What is your favourite thing about working at ClickThrough?

There are so many opportunities to learn. Working with different people, from different channels across different accounts presents lots of interesting perspectives and approaches. You get to see exactly how your cog works in the wider machine, which I always see as a brilliant chance to hone my wider marketing knowledge.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Pragmatic. Conscientious. Adaptable.

What are you planning on spending your voucher on?

I've used it as an excuse to add more vinyl records to my collection - so, I went for Zapp's self-titled debut, Hellfire by Black Midi and a reissue of De La Soul's Buhloone Mindstate, which is an all-time favourite.

Any inspiring words for anyone thinking of joining ClickThrough?

I came back! ClickThrough is a place to learn. It's played a massive part in my career - my digital knowledge formed here, during my first stint. I was fortunate enough to work on some fantastic accounts alongside talented people who were very generous with sharing their knowledge.

In the 12 months since I re-joined, I'm happy to say it's been a similar experience - every day, I’m always learning and working alongside brilliant digital marketers!

Want to chat about how we can take your content to the next level? Get in touch with our experts to find out more about our conversion-centric marketing services.

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