Meet our June Employee of the Month - Evleen Gray

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The winner of our June Employee of the Month is Evleen Gray! As a winner, she will receive a £50 voucher of her choice, a commemorative mug and the adoration of her colleagues - although it seems like that is already the case from looking at her nomination!

"Evleen has been amazing since she started at ClickThrough several months ago. She has come in with brilliant knowledge to share with the team, as well as being one of the most supportive members of it. She champions those around her while still challenging where it is needed. Not only that, but she is a joy and inspiration to be around - as well as a queen of note-taking and GIFs."

We caught up with Client Director Evleen on everything from being a former ClickThrough client to her past in hospitality. 

What does your role at ClickThrough entail?

My role is to establish and maintain long term relationships with our clients; ensuring they receive the highest level of support and quality of service. Another important aspect of my role is to work closely with the fantastic ClickThrough team members and help them to understand and overcome challenges to help clients reach business objectives.

What is your favourite part of the role?

Now you're asking! I think having the opportunity to support with collaboration and cohesion between clients and delivery team is right up there. 

While it can feel tricky to get the balance right all the time, when it all comes together it's great! Also, being an agency so focused on integration means that I have exposure across all of the channels, which is really interesting. 

What did you do before you joined us here at ClickThrough? 

My role before ClickThrough was Head of Digital at Busy Bees Nurseries for a couple of years - but I've held various Digital Manager positions over the years, many of which were in house roles.

I've worked across sectors like travel and leisure, logistics and parcel delivery and automotive. B2B, D2C, C2X, corporate, membership orgs... there's quite a range!

Tell us how the move from client to Client Director came about, and how it feels to peek behind the ClickThrough curtain...

Interestingly, I wasn't just a generic client - I was a ClickThrough Marketing client with Busy Bees! 

Having worked with ClickThrough in the past, I already had a good insight into the business and a number of strong relationships with many of the great people here. So, when the opportunity to join came along, I couldn't say no!

Peeking behind the curtain is certainly interesting, but having worked with many partner agencies over the years meant I had a pretty good idea of how things work. 

What is your background in and how has this impacted your career?

I actually trained as a chef, originally. That was when I lived in Australia - where I was born - and had a blast in that trade. I came to the UK in my 20s and carried on in hospitality for a while, at least until the split shifts and weekend working became less enjoyable and I completely switched careers to go into marketing.

My first 'digital' role was all learning on the job - I wasn't very good at design (although I wished I was) and was alright at coding but better at multi-tasking and organising both people and tasks. Having a broad range of skills can sometimes feel frustrating when you see others excel at something specific, but for me it has meant I can work well with pretty much everyone in a range of capacities.

After several years in digital, I did a postgraduate diploma in Direct and Digital Marketing. That was while working a full-time job, which was very challenging but worth the effort!

What is one thing you've gained from working at ClickThrough?

I'm fairly early on in my ClickThrough journey, but have already gained a lot and I'm learning something new all the time.

Our approach to integrated Digital Marketing impresses me on a daily basis - the value it can bring to a business, and delivers for our clients, is really something.

If you could work in any marketing specialism, which would you pick?

It would have to be UX/CRO all the way. Having data to back up design and being able to iteratively improve user journeys and experiences to lift conversion? Fascinating. 

It's also a great specialism to work with clients on - when they need something robust to rely on when looking at design changes and optimisation work, it can be really helpful to be able to say "let's test it and find out!"

What are you planning to spend your voucher on?

Probably towards baking ingredients as I've managed to get a bit of a reputation as a feeder within the team, and to be fair, the ClickThrough gang do like a cake and are always appreciative. Anyway, I enjoy a bit of therapeutic baking to clear my head and sometimes a little bit of cake can help everyone get through a tricky afternoon.

Just don't tell my son that one of the options for the voucher was the Arsenal shop, or I'll be in the doghouse!

Finally, do you have any advice for anyone looking to get into Digital Marketing?

Having a broad digital skillset is a massive benefit, or at least it has been for me - so if you can work across different channels, then take that opportunity. If you find one that you absolutely love, then of course specialise, but I would say be prepared to try a few different areas.

Look for a team that will help you grow (either in-house or agency) as having people around you with high expectations of you but a real amount of strength in supporting you can be wonderful. That can apply to any job really. I believe if someone makes you silly for asking a question, or for help, that's on them - not you.

And finally, Digital Marketing never stands still - so you shouldn't either.


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