Google Maps to be Available Offline

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Search and voice-guided turn by turn navigation tool, Google Maps could soon be available offline, according to Search Engine Land.

Google announced the offline option at its I/O conference last week. The offline option is intended for anyone without a data connection, or with a weak or unreliable one – ideal for low connection areas such as the underground, in remote areas, or when flying.

Jen Fitzpatrick, Google’s vice president of engineering, said:

“With offline maps, you won’t need to suck down expensive data or have super reliable connectivity every time you want to navigate somewhere.”

Search Engine Land says this could be great for travellers who don’t want to pay international data charges, as well as for developing markets and locations where data connections are weak or unpredictable.

The offline turn by turn directions will use GPS to offer search and navigation without a connection. It will also offer voice direction as well as reviews of venues.

The navigating app is expected to be available on Android and iOS later this year.

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