Google Launches Identity Platform for Third-Party Apps

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Ever get frustrated trying to remember the countless permutations of your passwords? Upper case, lower case, numbers, special characters – all required, none required. It's a bone of contention for many.

Well, finally, Google has come up with a solution. Launched at its I/O 15 event yesterday, the Google Identity Platform promises a new, hassle-free login to your app and site.

Google Identity Platform


According to Adam Dawes, product manager at Google, the new Google Identity Platform is a suite of developer tools that cuts friction out of every step of getting people signed in, using Smart Lock, Google Sign-in and Identity Toolkit.

Google's Smart Lock password manager autofills credentials on websites viewed on Chrome. Google has now extended this as an API to app developers and publishers, enabling them to save and retrieve credentials and automatically sign in users across devices and websites in Chrome. Eventbrite, Orbitz, Netflix, Instacart, and the New York Times are already using Smart Lock with many more likely to follow soon.

Google Sign-In provides a secure authentication system that enables users to sign in with their Google account, just as with Gmail, Play, Google+, and other Google services.

Rounding out the new Identity Platform, Google has developed an “authentication in-a-box” Identity Toolkit, which it promises provides a robust, more secure authentication system.

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