Key Takeaways From Our SEO Webinar

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Tom Williams recently hosted our September SEO webinar. We caught up with him to find out more about recent industry updates and what our audience thought of the latest live session.

Our resident technical SEO specialist Tom Williams hosted an SEO webinar on Wednesday 27th September, exploring the freshest industry news and the impacts it could have on businesses.

Topics discussed included:

  • HTTPS migrations
  • Google’s mobile-first index
  • How to fix a toilet (and other popular ‘how to’ searches!)
  • Why boilerplate content isn’t harmful or toxic

Here’s what a member of the audience had to say:

A great investment of my time, 20 minutes and Tom’s insights tell me where I need to focus my attention.

HTTPS migration sparked the most interest, particularly as there has been different advice floating around the web since last year. To find out more about what we recommend and how we can help, get in touch with our SEO experts.

If you missed out on our September SEO webinar, don’t worry. Our October session is open for registration: October SEO Update – Lunch and Learn.

Date: Thursday 26th October 2017
Time: 1:15pm 

Click here to register

Why not make your lunchtime productive and learn more about improving your site with the hottest topics in SEO?

We’ll see you there.

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