Marketers to get access to archived Tweets

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Following the formation of Twitter's partnership with Datasift, companies will be able to access archived tweets - dating back to January 2010 - for market research purposes, according to an article published by The Drum.

The tweets are being offered by the two as a tool for marketers to use when planning social media marketing campaigns.

Datasift's marketing manager, Tim Barker, told BBC News: "No-one's ever done this before. It's a brand new service that we're bringing online - it's a massive technology challenge because of the amount of data that is pumped out every single day."

Barker added that Datasift took in around 250 million tweets each day; the tweets are then analysed for their content - such as whether they mention a brand, company or service in a good or bad light.

Although the partnership might have been welcomed by marketers, it has already drawn criticism from some sections - with privacy campaigners arguing that back-dated tweets shouldn't be sold on to third-parties for a profit.

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