CRO News Roundup: 4 Ways To Transform Customer Retention

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The latest conversion rate optimisation news, including four top tips for increasing customer retention.

4 Ways To Transform Customer Retention


Conversion Science’s Jacob McMillen talks retention in this article; “something that is as important to optimisation as the rate at which you acquire new customers.

But why is retention just as important as acquisition?

According to a study by YotPo and Riskified, returning customers only account for 15% of online shopping and one third of that revenue, and also spend three times more than one-time purchasers.

So why do so many e-commerce mavericks still only focus on acquisition? Surely converting visitors becomes redundant when they can’t be retained?

McMillen outlines four proven ways to transform customer retention:

  • Focus on value over loyalty

  • Show up… with humans

  • Take customer service seriously

  • Go deeper than explicit complaints and requests

Determining Emotional Data


Consumers can experience emotional shifts in relation to products and experiences, particularly if an ad has been designed in such a way that it evokes a reaction, be it emotionally positive or negative.

The Adobe Communications Team call this “emotional data.

But what is it?

Simply put, understanding emotional data comes from building personal, real-world connections with your audience and being mindful of how they feel at given moments.

According to Adobe’s President of Strategy, Alliances and Marketing, John Mellor; “emotion is the currency of experience, and is an absolute necessity when creating great experiences.

From collecting emotional data with emerging technology, to data solutions that can redefine experience design, emotional data as an overall concept is simply “human.” Personal and direct.

Little Surprises Make Big Differences


If you can delight your customers, you’re on to a winner.

However, in today’s digital universe, there has been a regretful disconnection between what delight actually means to marketers, and what it means to customers.

According to Shopify’s Gregory Ciotti, “customers get to decide what’s delightful, not companies. And when you look at the available research on what drives delight, you’ll find customers have some of the most reasonable expectations around.

Delight, as a concept within your strategy, should not be regarded as the backbone, or any significant determining factor in the strategy’s success.

Delight should be a little surprise, that can in turn make a big difference.

Looking for support when it comes to turning your visitors into converting customers? Get in touch with our conversion rate optimisation team for more information.

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