Google Vehicle Ads UK: Where are they now?

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The UK market has been waiting with bated breath for Google’s Vehicle Ads release – so where is the update? Learn more.

Much like a Shakespearian tragedy, advertisers are on the verge of tears in nervous anticipation for the long-awaited release of Google’s Vehicle Ads in the UK market. 

Vehicle Ads, Vehicle Ads, wherefore art thou Vehicle Ads?

What Are Vehicle Ads From Google?

The ad format allows automotive advertisers to promote their inventory to interested customers who are shopping for a new vehicle via Google. This lower funnel format will show customers an image of the vehicle, alongside important information like make, model, price, mileage, and the name of the advertiser – enriching the user’s experience much like the Google shopping journey.

Powered by Google AI through their Performance Max format, the upcoming addition is expected to drive significant vehicle sales for advertisers.

Speaking at Car Dealer Live in April 2023 on Vehicle ads, Google UK’s Ben Gault said:

"[Vehicle Ads] are coming. It’s been a long time coming, but hopefully, towards the end of the year, we will have an update on that particular product. 

"They have been very successful within the other markets, by and large, that have launched. 

"Very simply, we will be able to surface [used car] results on the Google search that is getting real-time promotions to inventory that is in stock now. 

"It’s dynamic, and it’s providing a much more real time nuanced feature that will compliment traditional text PPC ads."

This sparked a flurry of excitement across marketers and brands alike, with the popular narrative indicating that Vehicle Ads would be made available to the UK market before the end of the year. The video can be seen here.

Where are Google Vehicle Ads for the UK?

As the ship sailed on 2023 and we moved throughout January, there has been frustratingly little in the way of updates from Google… until now. 

In early February, Google launched a closed pilot in the UK across a handful of brands and have now announced they will showcase the full UK Vehicle Ad solution at Car Dealer Live on 7th March 2024. Google’s Mohammad Lone discussed the upcoming showcase here.

This marks a significant shift (no pun intended) in the progress towards a full launch in the UK market, which will no doubt get engines purring (sorry) across the industry. 

If you want to hit the ground running with Vehicle Ads next month, reach out to one of our team and we’d be happy to help. 

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