Podcast: Content, Integration and Black Friday

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Episode Three of The Assorted Digital Rambling Podcast is here. Find out more about content with special guest Stef.

Podcast: Content, Integration and Black Friday

As the nights draw in, how better to use your commute or dog walking time than by listening to the latest episode of The Assorted Digital Ramblings Podcast

The latest episode covers everything about modern day content marketing, including why it's so important, why you should integrate content into your channels and more.

The Assorted Digital Ramblings Podcast: Making Marketing Accessible

The Assorted Digital Ramblings Podcast exists to make marketing more accessible for those outside of the industry. We understand that some conversations and publications about Digital Marketing can be heavy - so we're here to shed some light.

In the podcast, you'll find discussion on various different marketing channels, successes and issues (and how to overcome them), all interspersed with general conversation. 

Our first two episodes covered the world of Digital Marketing agencies and everything surrounding SEO with our Head of SEO, Rory.

Episode 3: A Podcast about Content Marketing

This month's episode sees regular hosts Chris and Olivia joined by ClickThrough Marketing's Head of Content Stefanie Keeling. They discuss how important content is to any Digital Marketing plan, the phrase 'content is king', why all channels should integrate with content and more.

There's also discussion about Black Friday, the differences between certain channels for the event and debate on how early businesses should be preparing for it.

Enjoy serious, thought-provoking discussion, quirky questions and answers and a bit of rambling in our latest Digital Marketing podcast.

How To Listen

Looking to learn about Digital Marketing? Our marketing podcast is informative, entertaining and, according to some listeners, "like the kitchen chats at work when you're making a brew". 

You can listen to The Assorted Digital Ramblings podcast on major streaming platforms and smart devices. Listen on:

Alternatively, you can listen to this episode right here, using the embedded player below.

Join us next month as we offer an introduction to Digital Paid Media and the various sub-sections within it, look towards Christmas and back at 2021.

If you'd like to discuss how we can help you produce your own podcast, or are interested by any of the conversation topics covered in this episode, get in touch!

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