Poncho 8 seeks film-based poster suggestions via Twitter

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London-based Mexican restaurant group, Poncho 8, has launched an innovative social media marketing campaign, according to an article published by The Drum.

Poncho 8 are asking users on both Twitter and Facebook to suggest scenes taken from classic films in which a burrito could be added to play a key role.

The campaign is being promoted through Poncho 8's pages on Twitter (@PonchoNo8) and Facebook; the best suggestions will be incorporated into posters that will appear in Poncho 8's restaurants - with 'Raiders of the Lost Burrito' one of the most popular suggestions.

One suggestion will be picked each month, with the winner receiving a free meal for both them and a friend.

Users can make their suggestions to @PonchoNo8 with the hashtag #PonchoFilmHijack included in the tweet.

Co-owner of Poncho 8, Nick Troen, said: "The Poncho brand is all about playfulness and being in touch with modern developments so carrying out a campaign using social media platforms seemed like an obvious route for us.

"We want our fans to be able to feel a real connection with what would traditionally be a gourmet burrito outlet and be able to put our followers' ideas into action, not only with respect to our food, but also the visual aspects of the interior," he added.

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