SEO News: The Benefits of Search Synergy

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Zoe Clulow, one of our resident SEO Specialists, explores the latest news in the world of SEO in our weekly SEO round-up.


There's been a lot going on in the world of SEO, from Google's latest BIG update to Google being sued, the final rolling out of the product review update, the benefits of SEO and PPC combined, and how accurate the average position metric on the Google Search Console actually is!

The benefits of Search Synergy: A combined SEO and PPC strategy

Having SEO and PPC synergised is essential for maximising potential!

  • Share insights – by creating a combined strategy, insights can be shared easily between departments. This can be implemented by using tools in one department to help with the strategy in another or by identifying opportunities that may benefit the other department.
  • Testing and learning - SEO specialists can ensure technical recommendations and content optimisations have been implemented to pages that paid specialists have flagged as underperforming from a quality score perspective. This could help to reduce CPCs, therefore spending more efficiently.
  • Audience strategy - An integrated team of SEO and PPC create a combined understanding of clients, their audiences, branding and tone. Along with the visibility of the customer journey.
  • Cross-channel knowledge and expertise - This allows all relevant knowledge on a client to be shared between all individuals on that client team from all departments. 


Google Page Experience update delayed until June

We've all been in a panic trying to get all the core web vitals issues over to clients and to get them implemented before the update that was supposed to be rolling out next month, but now Google have announced that it won't be rolling out till mid-June and won't be fully rolled out until August. We can take a little bit of a breather for the time being but we still have clients that need to implement fixes as soon as possible!

For a bit more insight, see the above image for a snippet of how the update will look when rolled out and giving data. 

MailOnline sues Google for allegedly hiding links to their articles

The MailOnline is suing Google claiming that they are ‘hiding’ links from their articles on trending topics such as ‘Megan Markle’ and ‘Piers Morgan’. They believe that Google downgrade links to other pages in favours of other sites. So basically, the claim is that no matter how good their SEO and content may be Google are favouring other sites and therefore ranking them higher!

The other site that they were so called ‘favouring were smaller local news sites. Let's hope Google favours ClickThrough and our clients!

Google Product Reviews update finishes rolling out

After launching in April 2021, the Google product review update has officially finished rolling out. This update basically is to promote review content in search result rankings. So, this is another hint to make sure our clients reviews meet the relevant Google standards. This update isn’t as big as the core web vitals ranking update which has now been pushed back to August 2021, but it is still best practise to ensure content is optimized.


Google Search Console: How accurate is the average position metric?

John Mueller from Google has shared that the average position metric is based on real and reliable data. It may differ from other results that may appear when checking ranking positions for reasons such as personalization and geo-targeting.
Google search console tracks the average top position of a URL to calculate data for the search performance report. If multiple URLs from one site are ranking in search results then search console will give data on the highest ranking URL to work out the average.
So for individuals questioning the reliability of search results ranking, Mueller has answered and clarified these queries and successfully maintained the reputation of Google.


And now you've come to the end of our weekly round-up of SEO news! If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything covered, book in a chat with us at your earliest convenience.

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