The DPM Update: New TikTok Stories And Instagram Reels

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Join Kieran as he takes us through all the latest news in the world of DPM, including TikTok's new stories feature.

The DPM Update: New TikTok Stories And Instagram Reels

Welcome to the DPM Newsletter, that time of the week where our DPM Masters of The Universe are on hand to give you all the news and updates from the past week including news from TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn!

As always we begin with our interesting fact of the week. Did you know that there’s an American town with a population of 1? The town of Monowi in Nebraska is populated by one lady in her 80’s, Elsie Eiler. She’s also employed as the village’s mayor, librarian and bartender. Next time you think you’ve had a tough day at the office, count yourself lucky you’re not in Elsie’s shoes. Now for some worldwide DPM news!


Instagram Has Expanded Its Reels Feature to 60 seconds, Allowing More Capacity for Creativity:

Instagram Tweet

Previously, users could only watch reels that lasted for a maximum time of 30 seconds. This is the second time Instagram has extended reel time, originally going from 15 to 30 seconds last September. This will encourage cross-platform posting for users by being able to upload clips from YouTube and TikTok to Instagram. This will benefit Instagram by driving more views within the different elements of the app.


TikTok Experiments With ‘TikTok Stories’ as it Looks to Develop Creative Options Within the App:

TikTok stories will follow a similar theme in the way that Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and LinkedIn all have, the stories will disappear after 24 hours as well as being shown in a collapsible left hand side panel in the main feed of the app. Similarly to other platforms, users will be able to access people’s profiles from these stories, tap through the stories and more. A feature such as this will allow to maximise engagement and enable more ad space on the app.


LinkedIn Acquires the Tutorial Video App ‘Jumprope’ as it Looks to Expand its Creator Tools:

LinkedIn has enhanced the growth of LinkedIn Learning for professional skills development through acquiring the how-to-video app Jumprope as part of its expanded video focus. Jumprope allows users to create step-by-step tutorials, using still image assets and video to help communicate each element. The app describes itself as “the best place for anyone to create a how-to and export it to every social platform”. Jumprope will enable LinkedIn creators to share informative, step-by-step professional tutorials that can be shared within the app in order to be of benefit for a vast amount of factors, including personal branding, enhanced knowledge, connections and promos.

Well that's a wrap! Join us next week for more DPM news!

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