The DPM Weekly News Update: Instagram Improves Story Accessibility

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This week in the DPM news update, Chelsey takes us through the newest features for advertisers in Apple's App Store, along with accessibility developments on Twitter and Instagram.




This week's DPM update features some exciting news for ad creators and social media users alike. While we're bringing you news of the latest development in Apple Ads, eagle eyed Instagram and Twitter users may have already spotted part of our update live in the real world already!


The fun fact that's amazed us this week is all about.... jelly fish! Did you know, there is a species of jellyfish that is immortal?! Immortality isn’t just a fantasy for jellyfish - scientists have discovered that the ‘Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish’ can revert back to its juvenile polyp stage, continuing an endless cycle. This makes it an officially immortal creature of the sea. 🌊


Now to move onto the latest developments in the world of DPM


Apple Expands Ad Business with Search Tab Campaigns


Apple introduces Search Tab Campaigns - a new way for developers to advertise on the App Store. This new ad slot will appear for users before they search, exposing the app to a wider audience (rather than those searching for related terms). This new and prominent ad placement will sit within the App Store's search bar, and will benefit from the huge audience that visit this feature each day.


DPM Update apple ads


Twitter rolls out larger image display in timelines for android and IOS Users


RIP 'Open for a Surprise'... full sized previews have come to Twitter. This week, Twitter rolled out a new size for previews on single image tweets - rather than crop at a 2:1 ratio, users will now see portrait oriented images appear in full. This extra space could improve user responses to brand messages which can now stand out more in feeds, but you may see a decline in engagement rates as users no longer need to click to expand (an action that previously counted towards the metric).


DPM update twitter images



Instagram officially launches new captions sticker for stories


Instagram has now launched their new caption sticker in Instagram stories - a feature that will widen the accessibility of your stories' content. The new feature will provide an auto-generated caption based on the audio input in your video - no more writing out captions to include as a text sticker. You'll be able to edit the text, colour, position, and font of the captions to fit with your theme or brand aesthetic, while appealing to hard of hearing people or even just users watching with no sound.


DPM update captions stickers


ClickThrough DPM News


Within ClickThrough, a huge congratulations goes to DPM apprentice Kieran McCormack for passing his Level 3 principles of Marketing exam, while continuing to smash client work alongside his apprenticeship!! 🎉


We also had an exciting team meeting this week where most of us had the opportunity to virtually meet Alana Williams, we are all really excited to welcome her back later this year from maternity leave! 😊


Thank you all for reading - we'll return next week with the latest updates in the world of DPM!


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