Congratulations Victoria - Our October Employee of the Month!

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This month, our coveted employee of the month award went to Victoria Michalska. We got to know Vic and found out more about her role in ClickThrough. 

Announcing our employee of the month is always an exciting time for us at ClickThrough. This month, the award and coveted mug goes to Business Support Officer, Victoria Michalska!

Vic does lots across the business for us all from new starters to Simply Health queries, supporting us in whatever we need from IT to mental wellbeing and so much more.”

We caught up with Vic to find out a little bit more about her, and how her role fits in at ClickThrough.

First up – can you tell us a little bit about your role here at ClickThrough?

I’m the Business Support Officer, I work on many parts of the business giving support where it’s needed, mainly HR, Operations and Finance. I’m also the Mental Health First Aider.

What is your favourite part of the role?

I love the onboarding process and working with new starters, helping them alleviate first day nerves and showing them how ClickThrough works, showing them our culture and seeing them settling into their role. I love working on the staff benefits, knowing how happy it’ll make our staff members and giving the mental health support too, knowing I’m helping people. Anything that I know will directly affect someone positively is great.

What did you do before you joined ClickThrough?

Before I joined ClickThrough I worked in the construction industry for many years, gaining experience in HR, marketing, finance and operating at director level. I then moved in to the design industry and learnt about building websites, SEO and PPC which led me to ClickThrough!

What would you say you have gained from working at ClickThrough?

The main thing I’ve gained from ClickThrough is a really positive work-life balance. Previously I've struggled to maintain that balance, which is why I came to a company that would not only allow that balance but also encourage it. Also working in a company with so many young and talented people that can help expand my knowledge, especially with newer concepts such as Metaverse! I love that element of the job, constantly having the opportunity to learn.

This is your second time winning Employee of the Month, how does it feel knowing how valuable your colleagues find your work?

I think because the work I do isn't always seen by the wider company, it really is amazing to know it's still appreciated and valued. Knowing it's valued enough to win Employee of the Month twice is just incredible!

What three words would you say describe you?

Loyal, Positive and Nurturing. 

What do you plan to spend your voucher on?

I've chosen a voucher for TK Maxx. I've just bought a new sofa and saw some cushions that I loved in there, so the voucher will be used on those! 

Do you have any inspiring words for anyone that is thinking of joining ClickThrough?

I think if this is the industry you want to work in then just go for it! There are so many amazing experts that work here and people with all sorts of different levels of experience. You also get to work with such a wide range of clients, and with a group of really nice and fun people! 

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