Google Agrees comScore Deal To Improve DoubleClick Ad Measurement

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Google has agreed a deal with comScore to have the Internet analytics firm's Validated Campaign Essential ad measurement product integrated into its DoubleClick ad syndication service.

Whilst many tools provide advertisers to see campaign performance data updated on a daily basis, Google DoubleClick, as a result of this deal, will enable users to access updated information on a real-time basis.

Validated Campaign Essentials utilises a similar reach, frequency and measure metric to the Gross Rating Points  (GRP) system used in TV advertising.

Though plans have been outlined to expand the service to provide data from mobile and cross-platform devices, it  will initially only cover desktop display advertising and video ads.

DoubleClick users in America will be amongst the first to benefit from the deal, with the service set to roll out there later this year (2014). PPC marketing professionals around the world will have to wait slightly longer - with no time frame applied to a global roll out.

In a post published on the DoubleClick Advertisers blog, vice president of display advertising at Google, Neal Mohan, wrote: "There's lot more to come, and we're working on ways to help brands at all stages of the measurement pyramid. More actionable, open and transparent measurement will help bring more great campaigns and brands online, which in turn helps to fund web services and content."

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