REMINDER: 2 Weeks Until Black Friday 2017

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Black Friday is exactly 14 days away. How prepared are you? 


Black Friday is literally just around the corner, but it’s never too late to make last minute changes that could generate a positive result.

Our Head of Digital Paid Media, Ian Boyden, gives us a quick recap on the steps you can easily deploy into your paid media strategy

Optimise Your Feed

If you haven’t already inserted “Black Friday” terms into your shopping product titles, you need to do this ASAP.

Remarketing for Search

Make sure you’ve harnessed your information from last year regarding conversions and visits. Use this data to create audiences, and uplift bids to improve ad rankings for specific consumers.

Customer Match

Have you started utilising your email data for Black Friday yet? If not, follow these steps:

  • Import email data for customers who bought around cyber weekend into your AdWords account
  • Add the newly created audiences into your campaigns. Uplift bids aggressively to increase the chance of appearing in front of those users again when they are searching for your keywords

Optimise Expanded Text Ads

Harness the power of extra ad real estate and use “Black Friday” in your promotional text. Leverage the second headline for eye-catching and engaging content such as voucher codes and countdowns.

Use Ad Extensions

Make sure you’re getting the most out of your ad extensions, especially call out extensions and site links.

Re-use Keywords

Recycle your current keywords and simply add “Black Friday” to them. For example, “Toy Sale” should become “Black Friday Toy Sale”. Keep these running over Cyber Monday, too!

Effective Budget Management

You should have enough budget saved for the last week of November.

If you need any further advice on this year’s retail bonanza, don’t panic! Our Digital Paid Media experts can help you tighten up your campaigns and really make a difference to your revenue during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

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