Say Hello to Sarah Clarke, Our New Senior Digital Paid Media Manager

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We recently welcomed our newest Senior Digital Paid Media Manager to the team, Sarah Clarke. We caught up with her about her CTM experience so far...


When did you join ClickThrough?


I joined the team at ClickThrough on 28th September 2020.


What does your role at ClickThrough involve?


My role involves managing and executing paid media strategies for clients, as well as supporting the DPM executives with their training and personal development within paid media.


What's your background?


My last role involved delivering apprenticeships to learners all over the country, helping to upskill the next generation of digital marketers. Before that, I worked in digital marketing agencies, with a focus on paid media for a range of B2B and B2C clients.


I graduated from university with a degree in Psychology, focused particularly on consumer behaviour online and I am currently studying for my MSc in Digital Marketing alongside working.


What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?


I love having the opportunity to work with a very skilled and talented team, who are always pushing the boundaries for our clients, as well as being able to provide support, advice and development when required. I also enjoy working with clients, challenging myself to get them great levels of performance.


What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?


I have settled into the team well as everyone is friendly and welcoming. I also like the focus on perfection, where everyone is focused on providing the best service to clients.


If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?


If I hadn’t gone into marketing, I’d probably be a psychologist! That was initially my plan, where I wanted to be a forensic psychologist, so I imagine that’s probably what I would have gone on to do and I’d be working to rehabilitate offenders.


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?


Probably a rugby player, so maybe Owen Farrell. The commitment and dedication that rugby players have to their sport, with constantly focusing on getting better and striving for greatness is something that I think it would be great to learn from and apply into my own life.


What do you do in your spare time?


In my spare time, I try to run and do yoga every day, usually before work. I’m also into gaming, so I enjoy playing video games and board games. Alongside this, I like crafting, so I knit, crochet, stitch and embroider, and you’ll usually find me making something to hang up in the house. I also play guitar and piano, so have plenty of things to keep myself entertained.



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