The DPM Update: Pinterest Predicts Your Next Haircut

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Haircuts, app ads and boosting LinkedIn posts - read about the latest news stories that have caught the DPM team's eyes.


Welcome to the latest edition of the DPM weekly news update! This week, we're starting your Monday off with the most exciting news that's caught our eyes over the past 7 days.

Back by popular demand is our fin facts! To make up for last week's conspicuous fun fact absence, this morning we have two facts to share with you, both along the theme of... humming. Did you know that Giraffes hum to each other at night to make sure their herd stays together? And, on the topic of humming did you know that it’s impossible to hum whilst holding your nose? And yes, we know you've just given it a go!

But now, onto the DPM news.


According To Pinterest Trends Brits Are Looking To The French and Billy Ray Cyrus For Their Next Hairstyle

Wondering what hair cut to experiment with next? Pinterest has you covered.

Pinterest Predicts has revealed that there has been an increase in demand for French and Mullet Hairstyles. There has been a 65% increase in the search term “french haircut” and a 50% increase in “french bob”. The term ‘mullet hairstyle’ saw an increase of 55% - to help visualise, here’s DPM’s very own Alex sporting the look.

alex mullet

LinkedIn introduces Event Ads and “boosted” posts

LinkedIn announced this week that it is introducing Event Ads, along with the ability to "Boost" organic posts from within a brand's page - a feature you may recognise from other social platforms. As well as new options for ads on LinkedIn, the platform also announced new Custom Streaming Integrations and Mobile Page Analytics for page owners & administrators.


Now You Can Deliver App Ads on Desktop

Google have announced new changes to their app campaigns set up. App campaigns can be run across Search, YouTube, Google Play, Discover and over three million sites within the Google display network. However, these ads have only been visible on mobile. Until now. 

Google will now be showing app ads on desktop too, on their desktop SERP alongside the Google Display Network. It'll be interesting to see how effective app campaigns can be on desktop, or if advertisers will continue to keep focus on mobile.


We'll round off this week's DPM update with some happy DPM team news. It will come as no surprise to anyone, but Liv Green has passed her probation here at ClickThrough! Liv has been a massive asset since joining and brightens up everyone’s day with her energy and enthusiasm, keep smashing it Liv!

Join us next week for more DPM news.


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