We welcome our new Data-wizard, Sheila Bano Hernandez to the team!

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Join us as we get to know Sheila Bano Hernandez, our new data analyst. We learn what she gets up to in her spare time, and whether pigeons make good pets!


Sheila Bano Hernandez has joined ClickThrough to support our digital transformation offering and use data to identify how we can help clients grow.

We caught up with Sheila to find out some of her career highlights, along with what she does in her spare time.


When did you join ClickThrough?

I joined ClickThrough on the 17th May, 2021


What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

My role at ClickThrough is to develop and manage reporting products, and analyse and identify opportunities for business process development. I'll be determining business information needs and assisting with data collection and modelling. I'll also be analysing and interpreting data as well as creating reports and visualisations to support decision making.


What's your background?

I am a Business Management graduate and I have worked as a data analyst over the past 7 years in different industries (from recycling compliance schemes to one of the UK largest insurers). I have a passion for data and MI solutions and experience in several programming languages and visualization tools (mainly SAS, VBA, Excel, SQL, Adobe Analytics). I have held various roles as a Data Analyst at Legal&General during the past four and a half years working across different departments (Aggregators performance, Pricing, Digital Analytics…).

Despite being very different business areas the nature of my roles has always been very similar with data analysis and modelling being the centrepiece: analysing performance and providing insight, creating new reports and dashboards, automating and improving existing processes, improving data accuracy, ad hoc analysis aimed to help decision makers, etc. One of the projects I am most proud of was an automated pricing download that enabled us to get key competitors’ prices in a 10-minute completely unsupervised run (meaning you could just go and grab yourself a cuppa whilst the program did all the hard work!).


What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

What I love the most about my role is that it allows me to be creative, encouraging the search of new and improved ways of working with data. ClickThrough have very ambitious plans for the future, with so much scope to learn and grow - to me, this automatically translates into high motivation levels.


What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

I only joined the ClickThrough family a couple of weeks ago, however it is easy to see that the atmosphere here is extremely friendly and supportive. I have felt very welcome since my very first day, and my takeout so far is that everyone is encouraged to thrive and be the best possible version of themselves.


If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I would have loved being into architecture or building surveying. When I was a child, I wanted to be an architect – I deeply enjoyed design and I had some drawing software which I would use for hours. But then life happened, and plans changed!

My wife and I bought our first house back in 2018 and we renovated it completely. It was a hard but very rewarding experience, and it involved a lot of creative thinking around changing the floorplan, as well as assessing the different possibilities due to the existing building structure. I wish I knew more about the subject. We’re already thinking about our next project!


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

I think that person would be my grandmother. She is such an inspiring woman and things for their generation were so different – they had to fight a lot for survival, particularly during war and post-war times. It would be really interesting to see life from her perspective, the generational changes, their fight for democracy, women rights, working class rights... I would love to have all that knowledge and memories for a week, I think it would make me appreciate much more everything we have nowadays.


What do you do in your spare time?

I am Spanish and I permanently moved to the UK nearly 8 years ago. I live with my wife and our 3 dogs. We are both animal lovers and we have fostered and rescued a number of animals over the past years: dogs, cats, ferrets, mice, and even a pigeon we named Donald (once he was ready to fly he just left without even looking back). I am a rider and I bought my first proper big bike last March just before the first lockdown, so I have not been able to use it much yet! I very much enjoy woodworking and after a lot of trial and error (and a larger than expected investment to get the right tools) I am now able to actually build things. I love camping and outdoor activities in general (we particularly enjoy going to Wales, Cornwall and Scotland on our campervan). I have been trying to learn to play the guitar for a few years now, but according to my neighbour there is still a very long road ahead to master this area!


Want Sheila and the insights team to look at how getting a firm grasp on your business data can aid digital transformation? Get in touch!

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