The DPM Weekly Newsletter: Instagram, Twitter & Facebook all change User Experience

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In this week's DPM update, Kieran reviews the latest developments at Twitter, Instagram and Facebook HQs.


Welcome to the DPM Weekly Newsletter.

As usual, us DPM Masters Of The Universe are on hand to give you all the news and updates from the past week 😊

Here’s an interesting fact to start you off:

🐱 The coast of France has had "Garfield" phones washing ashore since the 1980s 🐱

In the 1980s, phones in the shape of Garfield, the cartoon cat, began washing up on the Iroise coast in the Brittany region of France—but nobody knew where they were coming from. 35 Years later revealed that a container ship carrying the feline phones had been hit by a storm and ended up in a nearby secluded sea cave. Not great for the environment, but ideal for any collectors who want to pick one up!

Now onto the main event:

Instagram Tests New Content Recommendations Within the Main Feed, Sometimes Above Profiles You Follow

Instagram is looking to test an intensified version of their algorithm of suggested posts and topics in user feeds, these posts may even appear ahead of posts from profiles that you follow on the platform. Industry Professionals have pointed out that Instagram is using a ‘TikTokification’ approach where engagement is prioritised rather than who you follow.

DPM Newsletter Insta Content Recs

Twitter Is Working on New Controls Over Who Can @Mention You in Their Tweets

Twitter is experimenting with who can @mention you across the platform, this could help people avoid unnecessary attention and minimise negative experiences on the app. They’ll be kicking this off with the prototype of ‘unmentioning’ yourself from a tweet chain conversation. As well as this Twitter’s also looking to add a notification for when you are mentioned by someone you don’t follow, so you'll always be aware of when you're being talked about.

DPM Newsletter Twitter Mentions


Facebook Adds a Range of New Group Admin Tools, Including an Updated Dashboard and 'Conflict Alerts'

Facebook has revealed a variety of new admin tools specifically for Facebook Groups, including enhanced comment moderation processes, ‘Conflict Alerts’ to help signal any potential confrontational and problematic exchanges between users, and a refined overview dashboard which will flag up group tasks that need attention. The improved Admin Home set up is the main addition, making it easier for administrators of groups to access their management tools and oversee the group page to suit their needs.


DPM Fact of the week

Harry Brooks’ dad has probably met your Premier League footballing hero. David Beckham being one of them

Harry’s dad used to work as a press officer at Aston Villa between 2000-2015 and would greet and escort players to the mix-zone where they would do their interviews. Although, with it being Villa he had the short straw of only working directly with the home players.


We'll be back next week with some more insight into the world of DPM! Want us to take a look at how you're using search, social, display, and Amazon to grow your brand online? Drop us a note!

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