World Cup Black Friday Strategy

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Just as the England squad comes together for their winter World Cup campaign, ClickThrough Marketing is here to help your digital channels do the same for Black Friday.

Score conversions with an integrated Black Friday marketing strategy

With the World Cup 2022 and Black Friday coinciding for the first time in 92 years, why not take inspiration from Southgate’s squad and get your marketing team talking tactics to score those all-important conversion goals.

Creating successful Black Friday campaigns

The secret to a successful Black Friday campaign, much like a successful football match, is the players working as a team and positioning the ball across the pitch to ensure it finds the back of the net.

If content is the ball, defining your messaging based on your customers’ needs is the first step in your tactical playbook. Black Friday is a full funnel strategy in a condensed timeframe, so creating tailored content from awareness through to conversion will put you ahead of the game.

From there, the best Black Friday campaigns are from brands which distribute that messaging through an integrated channel strategy – the digital marketing equivalent of a football team’s formation.

While every channel has its own tactics and benefits, it’s when they’re used in conjunction that you’ll see maximum performance.

Black Friday marketing World Cup style

And so, we present to you our ClickThrough World Cup Black Friday – a helpful infographic which provides a play-by-play of how to position your marketing channels just as Gareth Southgate positions his defence through to his strikers:

CTM Black Friday World Cup Infographic-1

Delve into more tactics to hitting your Black Friday goals with our eBook (and more importantly) let’s bring it home!

Get your copy

Photo by Rhett Lewis, The History of Soccer on Unsplash

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