ClickThrough Marketing welcomes Alison Booth to its PPC team

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ClickThrough Marketing welcomes new paid search manager, Alison Booth, to the PPC team. We sat down with her to discuss her amazing language proficiency, Bon Jovi and her love of horses.

Who are you?  

Alison Booth, paid search manager for ClickThrough Marketing.

When did you start at ClickThrough? –

Wednesday, January 2 2013

What does your role at ClickThrough involve? –

I am responsible for setting up new clients’ accounts, in a way that reflects best practice and their objectives. I shall also be working alongside Martyn, PPC implementation manager, in regards to the management of Product Listing Ads.

What’s your background? –

I graduated with a degree in German and Spanish with business and tourism.

As well as improving my language skills, the course also gave me the opportunity to live in Germany for seven months – a country that I absolutely love.

Whilst there, I worked with a German manufacturing company, which was interesting.

I’ve also worked at a Birmingham-based network marketing software company, predominantly helping customer services for their exclusively German-speaking clientele.

I then worked as a marketing assistant, doing a lot of translation work for a German manufacturer, before moving on to NetBooster for about five years.

Why  PPC? –

I like the international aspect, and – having worked in offline marketing for a short period – I really see online marketing as the future. That’s why I always knew I’d opt for an online-focussed role.

How have you found ClickThrough so far? –

It’s been lovely, excellent I would say. Everyone has been very approachable.

I’ve worked in really big teams in the past, and I think the fact that ClickThrough’s a little smaller is a real asset. I can really see how the unit works as a whole as opposed to simply being a ‘cog in the machine’, as it were.

The variety of clients is great too. I’m finding it really interesting working with a variety of industries.

Finally, Lichfield itself is a great place to work – it’s a nice area.

What’s your proudest moment (career-wise or otherwise)? –

I’d say my graduation. It’s just an elating feeling to know you’ve put all that hard work in and have finally got there. The sense of relief after finishing your course is great too.

Here’s a complicated one. If you were forced, at gunpoint, to spend the rest of your life on a desert island and the only luxuries your captors only allowed you to take along were a book, an album, and three items that you could easily carry on your person, what would they be?  

Book wise I’d say, Laura Hillenbrand’s Sea Biscuit – I’ve always loved horse riding and when I was younger I really envisioned myself becoming a jockey!

Something about the book just really clicked and helped me relate to the characters even more.

For an album, I would say Bon Jovi’s Crossroads. I tend to skip through tracks on many albums, but this is one I rarely find myself skipping through at all.

For my luxury items, I’d take some form of clean water or purifier. I’m going to be surrounded by sea water after all.

I’d also take cereal bars to keep me going – they’re nice and healthy! And finally, I’d have to take some hand cream. My hands are always getting dry!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional who would it be?

I’d go for John Whitaker –I love show jumping. He has plenty of experience of riding, has visited lots of Olympics, and has ridden a number of amazing horses. As you can gather I really do like horses!

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