Jack Adams joins ClickThrough Marketing content team

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Who are you? – Jack Adams, junior online copywriter at ClickThrough Marketing.

When did you start at ClickThrough? – Monday, June 18.

What does your role at ClickThrough involve? – I’m responsible for producing content and articles that we use in link building, and writing industry news updates for clients.

I also share responsibility for creating on-page content, product descriptions and plenty of ‘behind-the-scenes’ copywriting work like meta titles and meta descriptions.

What were you doing before you joined ClickThrough? – I was an undergraduate journalism student at Staffordshire University until earlier this year. From October 2010 to around April 2011, I interned at ClickThrough Marketing, in the content department.

So what attracted you to Internet marketing? – Before I started interning, I was only peripherally aware of SEO. But as soon as I started, it grabbed me – I found it enormously interesting. It’s a constantly changing field, so there are always new things to learn. And there are always new challenges when it comes to writing engaging, natural copy.

What’s your impression of ClickThrough so far? – It’s a very friendly and very hardworking environment, which suits me.

You’ve been at ClickThrough for just over three months now, how are you settling in? – Well, because of the skills I’d picked up when I was interning, I think I had a good foundation to build on. Having had this insight into the way that ClickThrough operates and how online content writing works in general has been invaluable – even when it comes to facing entirely new challenges.

What skills do you feel you bring from your time at university? – We were trained to write tight, well-structured copy to very strict deadlines. This is very much a transferable skill, as working in online copywriting also demands clear and accurate copy, produced very quickly. My journalism training has definitely helped me to carry out research more efficiently too.

What is your proudest moment, career-wise? – Completing my degree whilst juggling freelance copywriting work and other commitments.

If you were stranded on a desert island, which three items would you take with you? – Firstly and most importantly, an MP3 player. I couldn’t live without music, and it’s more portable than a record player. If I could somehow store and transport hundreds of records with me, I’d take a record player instead. I’d also take a football, just to give me something extra to do. Finally, I’d bring a copy of Hollywood by Charles Bukowski – it’s one of my favourite books, and always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I read it.

How would you spend a perfect weekend? – Quite simply, I’d like to see Arsenal win the Premier League title at the Emirates Stadium. Highly unlikely at this point in time, though.

If you could arrange your own concert, with any artists, who would they be? – Sonic Youth would headline. Definitely. They could play four or five sets and I wouldn’t get bored. I’d have Battles on second, because they’re really fun to watch, and their playful musical style is a great way to warm up to the noisy headliners. And I’d like A Tribe Called Quest to open the show – they’re a massively underrated group.

Finally, where do you see yourself in seven years? – I’m pretty much just starting out in Internet marketing, so my ambition right now is simply to carve out a successful copywriting career.

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