PPC News Roundup: A Visual Refresh For The New AdWords Interface

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Rachel Poole and Sarah Kemp detail the latest in paid search industry news, including new features for the AdWords interface, an increase in AdWords budgets and dynamic search ads from Bing Ads.

A Visual Refresh For The New AdWords Interface


To give users what it calls a “visual refresh”, Google AdWords has made new AdWords Scripts available in the newest interface.

This is to try and improve performance for advertisers, making management less difficult for those with a large number of scripts within their accounts.

Frederick Vallaeys details some of the key changes:

  • See up to 500 script logs per page and filter by date.

  • See a more precise time when a script will run.

  • See who added a script to the account.

  • Filter scripts based on name or who created it.

  • Duplicate existing scripts.

  • Access your own variables in the IDE.

To access these scripts, simply navigate to the three-dot menu under Bulk Actions.

AdWords Daily Budgets Can Increase By Double 


Google has somewhat rocked the advertising boat with its recent changes to AdWords budgets.

Although daily budgets for campaigns have doubled, advertisers aren’t too happy for a number of reasons…

  1. On days with high traffic, costs could potentially double
  2. Monthly budget may be spent earlier
  3. If the above occurs, ads would no longer be shown for the rest of the month

According to Search Engine Journal’s Matt Southern:

On the other hand, if that were to happen, it means advertisers would have hit their goals. So it’s easy to see both sides of this dilemma — why Google thinks it’s a good idea but advertisers do not.

How do you feel about this change?

New Parameters For Bing Ads’ URL Tracking


To help advertisers understand more about the source of ad clicks, Bing Ads plans to introduce new URL tracking parameters.

Matt Southern writes:

Now, advertisers can learn which ad extension led to a click, the geographic location of the click, and the location of interest that triggered the ad.

 These are the new respective parameters:

  • {feeditemid}

  • {loc_physical_ms}

  • {loc_interest_ms}

Advertisers will be able to gather data for their reporting and decipher any trends between extensions and geographic locations, which could in turn vastly improve user experiences.

Not only has Bing Ads introduced these parameters, but changes have happened for the {TargetID} parameter too:

Now it is able to provide insights about custom audience lists, in-market audience lists, and targeted location IDs.

UK And US Get Dynamic Search Ads


According to Paid Search maverick Susan Wenograd, “advertisers in the US and UK can now run Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) in the Bing Ads platform”.

This feature is currently available in Bing Ads’ online interface, and will continue to be released throughout the month.

But what is DSA?

Simply put, DSA allows Bing to provide ads to searchers without the advertiser previously outlining the targeted specifics, for example keywords or landing pages.

Bing hopes their ads  will benefit large e-commerce sites with their volumes of product details, and search marketers with its capability for automatically serving new search terms.

More Paid Search News and Advice

Check out our last PPC news roundup: Snapchat Ads From Burger King and Sainsbury’s

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