Tablet Bidding Returns to AdWords

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Google announced earlier this year that it was going to break up its device bidding options to enable advertisers to set different bid modifiers across all devices, including tablets.

After months of waiting it seems that all device bid modifiers are now live. The paid search team at ClickThrough noticed the changes go live week ending 9 September 2016. What this means is that advertisers can now better target their campaigns through bid adjustments on tablet, mobile or PC.

“Google haven’t formally announced anything but we can now see it in the AdWords interface for all accounts,” confirmed Ian Boyden, paid search specialist at ClickThrough Marketing.

Here’s a screen shot showing the new options:

AdWords device bidding options

For advertisers this opens up new opportunities, and comes at a vital time of year as e-commerce and marketing managers get ready to roll out their Christmas campaigns.

“It is worth reviewing the performance of each device at a campaign/ad group level to work out whether you can pull/push certain devices,” Ian advised.

“We believe this change will really help boost the efficiency of PPC as some accounts have seen lower performance on tablet as the bids were historically kept the same as desktop, which has a much higher conversion rate. This will enable marketers to be more targeted in their approach to paid search and should lead to greater account efficiencies and improved ROI.”

We’ll keep you updated on the progress of this change.

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