We get to know Amy Cox - ClickThrough's Paid Social Specialist

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It's time to get to know Amy Cox - our guru for all things paid social as ClickThrough's Paid Social Specialist!


When did you join ClickThrough?

I joined ClickThrough on 5th Jan 2021

What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

I’m a Paid Social Specialist, which involves overseeing the Social strategy across clients pushing for the best results for their business objectives, as well as supporting the training and development of Social execs.

What's your background?

Previously I worked at another agency for over 4 years where I gained all my Paid Social experience – starting as an assistant and working my way to account manager.

What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

I love the involvement I have with the Paid Social strategy for clients. I’m excited to help grow our social offering and push brilliant results for our clients.

What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

Starting my role on the first day of lockdown 3.0 would have been very daunting if it wasn’t for my amazing colleagues. I have been fully supported and already feel a valued member of the team.

If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

Hmm, this is very tricky as I feel so lucky to have fallen into an industry that I love and thrive in. I’m a creative person and did a Fine Art degree, so would have probably explored any curator opportunities within art galleries.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

Another hard question! I’d probably trade place with someone who works client side (as I’ve always been agency based) to get a feel of what it’s like being on the other end of the stick.

What do you do in your spare time?

Thanks to numerous lockdowns over the past year I’ve actually taken up knitting, which I’ve never done before but always wanted to learn! My Mom taught me and I’m currently knitting a baby blanket for my friend who’s expecting in May – fingers crossed I can get it finished by then!


Want to hear what Amy and the team could do for your Paid Social activity? 

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