Congratulations to our first Employee of the Month for 2022, Hannah Jordan!

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It is time to announce our first Employee of the Month of 2022! Congratulations to the wonderful Hannah Jordan!

Congratulations to our first Employee of the Month for 2022, Hannah Jordan!

As we enter the beginning of an exciting new year, we are thrilled to announce our January Employee of the Month, Hannah Jordan! Since joining ClickThrough in July as a PR & Outreach Executive, Hannah has gone from strength to strength, continuing to secure excellent results for our clients. We were able to sit down with Hannah to find out more about our newest Employee of the Month!

“Hannah is continuously growing in her role as a PR & Outreach Executive and month after month she's bringing in fantastic results for our clients. Already landing coverage and links within publications such as The Sun and Express within her first 5 months in the job! Not only is she excelling in her role, but she’s also thinking of proactive ways to keep building existing and new relationships with journalists. Hannah is always in good spirits, with a big smile on her face. She's a joy to manage!”


Can you tell us a little about your role here at ClickThrough?

I am the PR & Outreach Executive and I work very closely with our Head of PR & Outreach, Jennie Lindehoff. My role is to increase brand awareness for a diverse range of clients that we have here at ClickThrough. This is done through a range of Digital PR campaigns and supporting our SEO team by increasing the backlink growth of our clients. Alongside this, we are building relationships with journalists to share our clients’ news and interviews out in the wider media.


What is your favourite part of your role?

Great question, I like so many things about PR! Firstly, I love getting creative on different campaigns for different clients. It’s so varied with different trends and the constant changes currently going on in the media, then being able to build and grow my relationships with both clients and journalist is another favourite of mine. The nature of PR means that it's constantly unpredictable and very fast-paced, so I always find it very satisfying being able to find ways to boost a company’s reputation and brand awareness by working to that company’s individual strengths. Finally, being able to work with such a range of diverse clients here at ClickThrough, it’s great to approach different campaigns in unique and individual ways depending on the company and the sector they are within.


What are you planning on spending your voucher on?

I’ve been thinking and I would love to use it to contribute to something related to travel. I do love my travel and love to explore new places, so if I could put it towards exploring a new place or even having a day trip to somewhere within the UK, that would be amazing. Especially considering all the covid restrictions within the last two years, it was rather difficult to travel so I’d like to make up for lost time this year.


What would you say you have gained from working for ClickThrough?

The six months since I’ve been at ClickThrough have flown by! When I look back to just after my graduation, I have come on so much and grown hugely within my role. I’ve enjoyed the experience of taking my educational knowledge and putting that into practice within the agency. Also, working with Jennie has been amazing, she has supported and pushed me to be the best that I can be here. With all of this, I am proud to see my results over the past 6 months, getting excellent results and links with publications such as ‘The Sun’, ‘Daily Mail’, and ‘Belfast Live’. I think more specifically, my confidence has grown massively, and I’m now better at building relationships with both clients and journalists. That will be linked to confidence, of course, and as you get those good results coming in, it pushes you to go out and build those relationships even more. Being within the agency has allowed me to learn about different departments, such as Paid Social and SEO and how they can collaborate with PR.


You landed your role at ClickThrough within just a few short weeks of graduating, what did you do to achieve this?

I was pretty much straight out of university and into the job, which was great for me as I was able to jump straight into the industry and get into the role quickly. I knew it wouldn’t be easy because it’s such a competitive industry, but for me, the main advantage was that I went out and got myself some work experience by volunteering at Birmingham Jazz Radio. Getting that experience there was a huge benefit not only for the first-hand experience I gained and can take into the role, but it also showed that I was passionate about PR. Alongside that, I was told that my CV stood out compared to other applicants due to its use vibrant and creative format. I reorganised my content so that my PR experience and relevant skills were all at the front, making sure those and my passion for PR were highlighted.

(If you would like to know more about how Hannah landed her perfect role here at ClickThrough, Hannah shares all her tips in her very own blog post, check it out now: How I Landed a Job in Digital PR)


After studying the theory behind PR and marketing, how did you find the transition to working within the industry?

While at university I was studying Fashion Business and Promotion, I had around three PR focused modules, then of course there are a lot of transferable skills that I’ve been able to carry over into my PR role. It just goes to show that you don’t necessarily need a degree in PR if you are passionate and can pull transferable skills from your experiences. At university, I learnt skills such as looking at trends throughout a year and taking inspiration from certain days that you can relate to a client, such as national sleep day for a mattress company. However, since being at ClickThrough, I’ve learnt about SEO and improved my skills at writing a press release. Overall, I think you can learn the theory, but there is nothing like learning on the job and immersing yourself in the industry.


What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Firstly, I’d say positive, I’m definitely a glass-half-full kind of person. Two, I am hardworking as I always like to push myself to be the best that I can be. Then three, I like to think I am creative as well, I’ve always been creative from a young age so the chance to express that within my PR role was a huge appeal to me.


Do you have any inspiring words for anyone who is thinking of joining ClickThrough?

For anyone who is thinking of joining ClickThrough, I would say go for it! If you are enthusiastic and passionate about the sector that you want to work in, that enthusiasm will shine through in the interview. Even going on LinkedIn, reaching out to people, and telling them who you are, it’s a great way of building relationships. In terms of getting a job, my recent blog post (How I Landed a Job in Digital PR) outlines plenty of actionable tips such as how to present your CV and show your personality. So, if you wanted to know some more on that, I would go give that a read too.


Would you like Hannah and our Digital PR team to work with your brand? Get in touch!

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