ClickThrough Welcomes Kim Waldron!

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We caught up with our Senior Digital Content Exec, Kim Waldron, to find out more about her CTM experience so far…


When did you join ClickThrough Marketing?
January 2019

What does your role at CTM involve?
I help clients build their SEO presence through a targeted content strategy and approach.

What’s your background?
Before joining ClickThrough I worked in branding and communications for global bearings supplier, Schaeffler. Before then, I worked in travel, theatre and retail.

What do you love about your role at CTM?
I love that my clients bring me new challenges daily (in a positive way!!) so that I am always engaged and refreshed. I love that no two days are the same and that I learn about new products and services all the time. With SEO, results take time, so I also love seeing the hard work pay off in amazing performance.

What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?
I love that ClickThrough is so invested in clients and employees alike. The world of digital never stops and ClickThrough doesn’t either – whether we’re learning about new techniques, software or algorithms or honing our digital skills, we’re always working hard to stay ahead of the curve. I also adore my colleagues, who are incredibly intelligent, hard-working and fun! The culture very much places emphasis on collaboration and forward thinking, which is reflected in the fantastic results we’re known to achieve.

If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?
On the stage! I've been a performer since I was 4 and enjoyed some success in the area - performing in a number of professional tours and shows.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?
I'd swap with the Queen. Purely because I love a good tiara and I fancy perfecting that wave.

What do you do in your spare time?
Singing! I teach and perform. I also advocate for vegetarianism and pollution reduction. You'll often find me cuddling a pet or settling down with a book.

Since joining the team Kim has been promoted to Senior Digital Content Executive, and has wowed many people with her confidence and incredible ideas!

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