Congratulations to our December Employee of the Month, Charlotte Brindley!

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December has arrived! Which means it’s time to celebrate our Employee of the Month… congratulations to our Content Expert, Charlotte Brindley!

Congratulations to our December Employee of the Month, Charlotte Brindley!

Our final Employee of the Month award of the year goes to none other than Charlotte Brindley. Charlotte joined ClickThrough in August as a Content Executive and has excelled in bringing our clients’ content to life ever since! We sat down with Charlotte to find out more about her and her life at ClickThrough so far.

“Anyone who works with Charlotte will know how great she is. She's organised, always willing to help anyone out, and she has such an open attitude to learning. Since joining the agency, she has supported and provided some great ideas for clients on working together more efficiently. She continues to ask for training to better her skills and understanding, showing how much she embodies the ClickThrough values. She's an absolute powerhouse and has developed great relationships with key clients. I could go on forever with reasons why she deserves to be December's Employee of the Month!”


Can you tell us a little about your role here at ClickThrough?

I’m a Content Executive, so, I support Sian, the Content Specialist I work most closely with, with producing a variety of content, including blogs and guides for clients’ websites.


What is your favourite part of your role?

I enjoy working with a variety of different clients, one day I can be working with jewellery and then the next day I’ll be working on gas and electricity. It's also always nice to research and learn about different industries, especially when they are very niche!


What are you planning on spending your voucher on?

I'm in the stages of buying my first house so I should probably use it for some furnishings. I think I will go with Dunelm as the sensible choice. However, if I change my mind, I might go for a £50 voucher for Waterstones to add to my ever-growing collection of books!


How has your love of reading helped you move over into your role within marketing?

It has helped me significantly as one of the best ways to learn how to write is through reading. Reading everything from newspapers, articles, books, whatever you can get your hands on. That not only improves your writing form but also your writing style. Plus, the researching side is a huge help as, if you are struggling with a topic, being able to go out and find exactly what is going on helps a lot.


You are currently working for ClickThrough full time while studying for a masters in publishing, how do you find that work and study balance?

I think it works well as I am doing it part-time for two years. So, it's not as stressful and it means I can do all my university work outside of work. I think continuing with education, continuing to research, and continuing to learn new things have all helped me in my role. For example, in my studies, I am using Statista and I know ClickThrough uses it also with clients, so it’s great being able to learn different ways of using it to complement my role.


What would you say you have gained from working for ClickThrough?

I came to ClickThrough with a love for writing and telling stories but I had not worked in the marketing industry before so, since being here, I have learnt a deeper understanding of the industry and how the other channels such as PPC and SEO all integrate to produce the best results for our clients. Joining ClickThrough has been such a warm experience as everyone was so nice, friendly, and approachable. Everybody was so willing to take the time to explain things to me and working with Sian has been incredible! She has taken the time to help me improve my skills such as optimising my keyword research. I also feel that by proofing each other’s work in the team, I have been able to develop my skill as a writer by viewing things from other perspectives.


What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Friendly, reliable, and creative. Friendly as I like to talk to people - I enjoy listening more than talking so I am quite happy to listen to people’s issues and help them feel better. Reliable, as I really enjoy helping people, which is why I previously worked in education. It was great to be there for others and help them succeed. Then, finally, creative - going back to my love of books, when I was 16 and had to choose my A-Levels, I knew that I wanted to be a creative person and use that creative flair in the different mediums available.


Do you have any inspiring words for anyone who is thinking of joining ClickThrough?

The period before I came to ClickThrough, I was in lockdown and I was ready for a new job, a new challenge. Then, when I saw ClickThrough, I was drawn to so many things, from being able to do hybrid working, to the wealth of benefits available to the team here, I knew I had to apply! So, I would say go for it, as you never know what’s going to happen. Reach out to people, talk to people on LinkedIn, ask questions and make those connections because you never know where it can lead.


Would you like Charlotte and our content team to help tell your brand’s story? Get in touch!

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