Ilona Anderson joins us as our new Head of Talent Engagement!

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Ilona Anderson joins ClickThrough in the exciting new role of Head of Talent Engagement. We find out more about Ilona in true ClickThrough new starter style.


Ilona joins us in the brand new to ClickThrough role of Head of Talent Engagement. She'll be working with us to create an engaging learning environment and a structured approach to people development within ClickThrough, to benefit both us and our clients!

We talk to Ilona and find out more about what she enjoys about her role.


When did you join ClickThrough?

I joined ClickThrough on Monday 10th May so still very new!  I work 4 days per week and I’m planning to take Wednesdays as a ‘non-working’ day but will flex to suit business needs.


What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

My role is Head of Talent Engagement and I’ll be reviewing and developing how we approach: Talent, Leadership (so anyone who manages people), Engagement and how we promote and maintain a Client Centric culture.  Lots of energy and great things happening already so it’s a great foundation to build on.


What’s your background?

I’ve worked in People Development for most of my career.  Initially in learning delivery roles, then managing the learning & development function, running leadership programmes and large behavioural change programmes in Vodafone and others.  Over the last 10 years I’ve worked in employee and customer engagement roles, running NPS programmes for DFS and Lookers.


What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

I love what I do, so it feels fantastic to come into a business where I don’t have to convince anyone about the power of engaging and developing people – everyone’s already onboard and asking what I can do to make development opportunities at ClickThrough even better.


What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

The energy and enthusiasm that oozes out. Great people and an established understanding of the importance of a great working culture and the difference it makes to everyone’s working day.


If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I actually went into Learning and Development 😊 but Marketing would have been my next choice, probably for the same reasons! I think development is about engaging people, helping them see their options and possibilities and then helping them to take action to make things happen.


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

Anyone in Australia because I’d love to go and it would mean I could avoid the very long flight 😊


What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to walk & stay fit, love to read and watch films – all useful hobbies during lock down 😊.  I’ve just completed my fourth renovation and I’m always changing something in the house. 

Pre-Covid I loved to travel and enjoyed meeting friends to share good food and/or coffee and going to the theatre and cinema.  Like everyone else, I’m looking forward to doing all that again very soon.


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