Qs and As with ClickThrough’s new PPC account executive

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Who are you? – Lisa Butterworth, PPC account executive at ClickThrough Marketing.

When did you start at ClickThrough? – Monday, September 10.

What does your role at ClickThrough involve? – At the moment I’m doing a bit of budget management, and supporting Samantha Thomas [PPC account manager] with her accounts. I’ll take on responsibility for my own client accounts soon.

Amy Bott [director of paid search] has been really helpful when it comes to training. Like me, she’s come to Internet marketing from a different field, so she knows what it’s like to approach paid search with a fresh mindset.

What’s your background? – At university, I studied history. I loved it – I find it very easy to get completely engrossed in a subject that interests me. For example, during my final year, I focussed heavily on the modern history of India. It’s fascinating stuff.

After university, I went straight into a job in recruitment, and though I enjoyed working in this sector, I felt it was time for a change.

So what attracted you to PPC? – I wanted to get into marketing, and I was immediately drawn to Internet marketing. At first, I had no idea about PPC, but I did my own research into search engine optimisation and paid search, and really enjoyed learning about it. I’m naturally very analytical, so it appeals to me.

I’m learning new things each day. And it’s clear that companies are going to rely more and more heavily on paid search in future, so it’s a really exciting time to have got involved.

What do you think of ClickThrough so far? – Everyone’s so friendly and welcoming! It’s like a little family. But, at the same time, everybody seems to be really driven and passionate about the work we do. I couldn’t think of a better way to be introduced to Internet marketing.

What skills will you bring to the role? – I’ve got a bit of a dual personality! As I’ve said, on the one hand, I’m analytical, and very good at recognising trends. Whereas on the other hand, I’m quite creative – I’ll naturally start looking for new and better ways of doing things. On top of this, I’m very driven and hardworking, and a little bit of a geek – I love doing my own outside research.

What’s your proudest moment, career-wise? – It’s not directly related to my career, but I was really proud of my dissertation at university. I spent a lot of time on it and got a pretty good grade, which helped me achieve a 2.1 overall.

If you could be stranded on a desert island with only three items, what would they be? – I’d take my mobile – assuming I could get signal and I could find a way of charging it. I could call my friends and keep myself entertained during the long hot days. And since I’m fairly active, I’d take a pair of trainers so I could go for runs along the beach. Oh, and some pick ‘n’ mix… or a bowl that could magically replenish its supply of pick ‘n’ mix. Yes, that would be essential.

How would you spend a perfect weekend? – On Friday, I’d go out for dinner at The Mailbox in Birmingham, followed by cocktails. On Saturday, I’d stay active with a long bike ride, stopping at some pubs along the way. Then at night, I’d see a comedian like Michael McIntyre or Lee Evans. If it’s a perfect weekend, then I can bend the rules a bit and pretend that I live by the seaside. So I’d spend Sunday relaxing on the beach – lovely.

If you could arrange your own concert, with any artists, who would they be? – Damien Rice would open the bill. That would be a nice, chilled way to start the show. Then I’d get David Guetta on to ramp up the volume and get the crowd dancing. Robbie Williams would headline. But Robbie Williams from about five years ago, not now.

Finally, where do you see yourself in seven years? – My ambition is to be a PPC account manager for big-name fashion and retail clients – like Adidas, ASOS and Chanel.

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