Welcome to the Team Stephen Duncan, Paid Search Specialist!

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From the New England Pats to black and white cats. We find out all there is to know about our new starter Stephen Duncan.


More exciting news as we welcome our new Paid Search Specialist, Stephen Duncan into the ClickThrough family! Now it's time to learn all about Stephen and welcome him to ClickThrough in the traditional new starter blog style. Read on to find out more.


When did you join ClickThrough?



What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

I joined ClickThrough as a Paid Search Specialist, so my role is helping grow the Paid Search offering here at ClickThrough, whilst achieving client KPIs and goals. Helping develop, support, and grow the PPC team here at ClickThrough is also a focus I have.


What’s your background?

Before joining ClickThrough I worked at a global digital marketing agency for 5 years on the PPC team, working my way up from assistant to manager, which helped me gain a lot of experience in Paid Search. I’ve worked across several verticals, with the main one being retail. I also dabbled as a chef in my younger days!


What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

Anyone who knows me or has worked with me, knows how passionate and enthusiastic I am about the client. So, although my role has multiple pillars… helping the client, supporting the client, growing the client, seeing great performance and seeing the positive feedback from their business due to the work that we do means the world to me. If I can also help our team grow and be even more successful in the business, I’ll be smiling 24/7.


What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

Although I’ve only recently joined here, I can already see the incredible culture that has been built through the company. The social and support aspects are brilliant, especially at a time when working from home is at the norm, you can feel quite isolated, but the team and people seem like the main focuses here, and it’s great. The people are legit lovely and welcoming, and it’s one of the main things that I’ve experienced in my first few weeks. ClickThrough also seems to have a good vision on how to help the client and grow as a business, which I’m excited to be a part of.


If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I always wanted to be in the police, which developed into detective work, but now I’d love to be a psychologist. The thought of helping people brings me happiness.


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

Tom Brady. Superstar life playing the sport I love and brings joy to millions of people. Big family man. Can’t fault the person he is off the field!


What do you do in your spare time?

I’m a big sports fan, with American Football being at the top of the list. I feel it’s important to have things in your life you’re passionate about, and sports is one of mine. New England Patriots super fan (witnessed incredible wins and heart-breaking losses in the Super Bowl). Football is also a big one, being a Manchester United fan (witnessed the highs of the late 90’s and 00’s, and then the decline) but also playing on a regular basis. Music (I have a massive music taste range, but heavy metal is probably no.1), I like films (thrillers are the bomb!), tv shows (murder doc? Yes please), running (if my knees hold up), I love cats (have a black and white cat), and I enjoy a wonderful pint of Guinness.

Are you looking for expert Paid Search support? Then let Stephen help your brand and get in touch now! 

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