A new player has entered the chat... We welcome Ed Rollason to ClickThrough!

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We get to know Ed Rollason, the newest member of the Paid Social team. We talk video games, badminton, and why he'd love to be Superman for the day.


Our DPM team just keeps on growing! We get to know Ed, our new Paid Social Apprentice, as he talks video games, badminton and what he'd do if he could be superman for the day.


When did you join ClickThrough?

I joined ClickThrough on the 12th April


What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

I am currently a paid social apprentice. It involves helping the executive and specialist on my team to complete social media ad builds for clients and reporting on campaign performance across all social clients.


What’s your background?

I graduated from Bournemouth University back in 2017 where I studied Games Technology, I achieved a high 2:1 but didn’t quite get the 1st I wanted ☹ Went on to work as a barman for a year or so, alongside working for a football company which run 6-a-side leagues around the UK. On top of that I then joined a corporate finance firm in Birmingham for a year, working 3 part time jobs was a challenge!


What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

It’s something I have been searching to do for a while now. The past year and a half through lockdown I have been endlessly applying for digital marketing roles and was astonished to be given the opportunity to work for ClickThrough. The team I work closely with are all amazing people, super friendly and reliable, that make all the work I’m going a breeze.


What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

I have only worked at ClickThrough for a short period of time but everyone here seems to be so friendly and always there with a helping hand if you need it, in or out of my close department/team. I also like how majority of the company is populated with young faces.


If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I have always wanted to go into the gaming industry following on from my degree, but it ended up being a super competitive industry. If I had the motivation for it again, I would likely be somewhere in the gaming industry character/environment modelling.


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

Not really a person but a character, I would happily swap places with Superman for the week if I could have his powers as well. Being able to fly where-ever you like and being super strong and shoot lasers from your eyes could have its advantages.


What do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy playing video games in my spare time, I am quite a nerd and play a range of things. Every Monday and Wednesday evening I pretty much babysit 19 other adults in a ‘raid team’ and kill big monsters. I also enjoy going to the gym a few times a week, need to get back into shape after all the lockdown junk food. I used to play a lot of badminton as well before lockdown, I played for the badminton team at university.


Want Ed and the team to work on your Paid Social strategy? Get in touch and find out how you can make your social media presence go further!

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