Congratulations to September's Employee of the month, Stef Keeling!

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Time to say congratulations to our September Employee of the Month, Stef Keeling!


It's time to celebrate our employee of the month for September, welcome to the stage our Head of Content, Stef Keeling! We sat down with Stef to congratulate her and to get to know some more about her.

"Stef has certainly been a lifesaver over the last few months. Not only has the Content team now been healthier than ever in terms of workload, but she is approachable, caring and everything a manager should be. Despite being the busiest person ever, she still makes time to ensure everyone else is at their best. She's a credit to ClickThrough. Kudos!"

For never being too busy (despite definitely being too busy) to help the entire department at a moment's notice."


how would you describe your role at clickThrough?

It’s quite all encompassing, a little bit of everything so I’d describe it as a Jack of all Content trades really! Heading up the department has been the largest part, but since joining, getting to know the team and our clients has been my main focus. My role is to drive how we utilise Content at ClickThrough, essentially, making sure it's at the heart of everything. That means integration with other channels, and bringing the performance and strategic analysis into play. It’s a transformative role at the moment - we're very much in that phase of innovation and evolution.


What was it that brought you back to agency side?

Coming back to agency side, it’s great being surrounded by people that know their channels, know marketing and are able to have those conversations. I love being around experts and chatting about the “dorky” things that we do. I can ring Rory (our Head of SEO) on Monday morning about a piece of analysis that I'm thinking of doing, and he'll be just as excited as me to do it. I think, with ClickThrough, it was because I'd worked with you as the client, had those conversations already, seen what you'd produced, and the culture of the company that just drew me back. Having that variety and having the surrounding of people that know what they’re doing.


What do you intend to spend your winning voucher on?

I'm a woman with very few hobbies so this was really difficult for me, especially because it was a voucher for anywhere! I'm surprised Chris didn't mention that I'd rather have hard cash to spend in the pub! I'm going to use it on something that I rarely do, so I've gone for ASOS vouchers to find myself some treats and, because I'm now coming back into the office, I do need to stop wearing hoodies and pyjama bottoms... I need to get back into the human world! Having said that, I will probably spend it on shoes because me and fashion don't get on, but shoes I do love!


What are three words that you use to describe yourself?

I saw this on other people's posts, and I was thinking I have no idea! It's hard because you become a perfectionist over what words to use. I would say dedicated, sociable and (I’d like to think) funny.


do you have any inspiring words to anyone who's thinking of joining ClickThrough?

What I've said to my new starters is that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Whether you've been doing this for one year or 10 years, you're still new to a company. Just immerse yourself in everything that is ClickThrough because there will be things that you don't know as, naturally, we do things differently here compared to another agency or another company. Whatever role that you have, you need to get that whole foundation in place - it's just got the ClickThrough elements on top. Don't be afraid to reach out and find out what's going on! Have conversations about what the client goals are, what's the history and the context, because it all helps to just build that picture so you don't feel like you've just joined a story in the middle of it being told it.

Would you like Stef and our Content team to work with your brand? Get in touch! 

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