Introducing ClickThrough's Paid Search Account Manager - Jed Brookes-Lewis

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Jed Brookes-Lewis joined ClickThrough in February 2017. We caught up with him to find out how he's settled into his role, his take on agency life and his passion for refereeing American football.

What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

My role as a PPC account manager has two main facets. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, I deal directly with clients ensuring that they are always being kept aware of how their accounts are performing, potential areas that can be improved, and general industry-wide trends.

Linking into this, I also have to think strategically on how best to develop the accounts to ensure we continue to drive growth and stellar performance for those clients.

What do you bring to ClickThrough?

I like to think that I bring a really performance-driven attitude. I love seeing clients' results improve as a result of the work we do, and this is very much what drives me to keep pushing the boundaries and finding new ways to improve.

What attracted you to this role?

I love working on a small but very passionate team of people who clearly love their jobs, but also have a broader interest in digital marketing as a whole.

How have you found ClickThrough so far?

I’ve absolutely loved it!

I think the office has the perfect balance of professionalism whilst also maintaining the fun side of being a part of an agency.

What’s your biggest achievement to date?

I think helping restructure a client’s entire set of shopping campaigns which resulted in ROI almost doubling ranks is up there. As I say, I love seeing direct results of my work so to have such a massive change was a real motivational boost.

If you hadn’t joined ClickThrough, what other career path might you have considered?

In my spare time I referee American football so I like to think I would be roaming the pitches of the USA doing that!

Being more realistic, I would probably see myself in some sort of role in the aerospace industry.

Finally, if you were a cartoon character, who would you be and why?

Maybe the Cookie Monster? Because let’s face it, who doesn’t love cookies?

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