Mika Nikolaou gets social with Team ClickThrough

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When Mika Nikolaou joined ClickThrough's DPM team last month we couldn't wait for her to run the welcome interview gauntlet. One hectic month later, we finally managed to put Mika through her paces.

When did you join ClickThrough?

March 2020

What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

My role involves the optimisation of paid social campaigns across multiple clients. That means I have to manage, distribute and optimise client budgets to achieve their campaign objectives, and work with my DPM (digital paid media) colleagues to meet client KPIs. That means also working with the wider team – those in other departments – to make sure that we follow best practice across all channels. Finally, I am also responsible for the analysis of daily, weekly, monthly, and ad-hoc reports.

What's your background?

Before joining ClickThrough I worked for Tansun Limited as a Digital Marketing Coordinator. This gave me the opportunity to learn how to improve organic rankings by improving on-site SEO, gain experience in uploading new products to their websites and being responsible for the email marketing campaigns.

Previously I had worked in Greece for a jewellery company as a Digital Account Manager. I handled all their digital assets for 19 different luxury watches and jewellery brands like Rolex, Tissot, Omega, and Messika Paris.

And before that I worked at a medical company as a Digital Marketing Specialist - uploading new products, handling abandoned carts, and managing their social media and email marketing campaigns.

What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

I love that I get to learn new things.

What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

I like that the team at ClickThrough is so helpful and always willing to share their knowledge and teach people new things about all aspects of digital marketing.

If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

I’ve always wanted to own a tiny shop and sell homemade Greek food!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

I would probably trade places with someone on the Doctors Without Borders program, travel to the most destitute and dangerous parts of the world and offer my help to those people that most need it.

What do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy beach volleyball, rock climbing, scuba diving, performing and traditional Greek dances.

It's great that our clients will now be able to benefit from Mika's cross-industry experience - and perhaps some homemade cooking too!

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