Watch Us ‘Break Free’ for Comic Relief – Our Take On a Queen Classic [VIDEO]

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We’ve created our own version of Queen’s I Want to Break Free to raise money for Red Nose Day. If you enjoy it, PLEASE DONATE and help us reach our £800 target!

[Quick link to video:]

It’s something of a ClickThrough tradition to do something special for Red Nose Day.

As well as helping Comic Relief with its digital marketing since 2011, we’ve brought the Harlem Shake kicking and screaming to Lichfield, cycled 118 sweaty miles, and shown off our underpants – all to raise some well-deserved cash for the charity.

This year, we’ve decided to do something bigger – and sillier – than ever.

I won’t say any more right now. I’ll let the frocks do the talking:

(And once you’ve watched, we’d be delighted if you’d pop over to our fundraising page and DONATE whatever you can afford.)

I asked Alan Rowe, the brainchild behind the video, why he chose the Queen classic:

Alan Rowe, head of web development.Above all, we wanted to have great fun and raise money for a good cause.

But behind the dress-up and dancing, there’s a serious statement. For a start, the characters in the video reflect the changing roles of women in society and the ways people are oppressed.

And let’s not forgot that there’s a genuine problem in this country with illegal slavery. The Times says at least 10,000 people – and probably many more – ‘are living and working in unconscionable conditions in Britain because existing anti-slavery laws are not being properly enforced’.

That is shocking and appalling. But through its work with organisations like Unchosen and Anti-Slavery International, Comic Relief is making a real difference. We’re keen to do our bit and raise some money to help the charity carry out this vital work.

On a lighter note – in the second lounge scene, you might notice a Gtech AirRam that’s perhaps giving a hint to Freddy of how he might break free from his domestic situation!

About Comic Relief and Red Nose Day

Comic Relief was founded in 1985 to help tackle the root causes of poverty and social injustice in the UK and abroad.

The charity is best known for its huge, biennial fundraising campaigns – Red Nose Day and Sport Relief, which use comedy and sport to promote awareness and raise money

Since it began, Comic Relief has raised more than £950 million, which helps ensure safer lives, stronger communities, fairer societies and better futures for everyone.

Red Nose Day hits our screens again on Friday, March 13. This year’s theme is ‘Make Your Face Funny for Money’ – I think you’ll agree, we’ve certainly done that.

Find out more about Comic Relief, or make a donation now.

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