Meet Marcus - The newest member of ClickThrough's Amazon Team

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Join us as we get to know Marcus Calvert, the latest addition to our ever-growing digital paid media team!


When did you join ClickThrough?

I joined clickthrough in November 2020

What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

My role as Amazon Executive at ClickThrough involves creating and optimising advertisements on Amazon. It also includes collecting data and turning it into reports for all our clients to help them grow their businesses.

What’s your background?

Prior to working at ClickThrough I worked for an Amazon agency doing their digital marketing and creating the website for the company. I completed my level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship there and got a level 4 CIM. After that I went to work in-house, where I operated all the Amazon side of the business.

What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

The thing I love about my role at ClickThrough is the fact that everyday is different - you get to work on different products, all in different markets so it is never monotonous. The other thing I love about my role is that I can make real time changes and then go and see them in action on such a platform as large as Amazon.

What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

ClickThrough is by far the friendliest company I have worked for and there is a real feel of togetherness about the team. If ever you need help someone will always be there to guide you and every call we have as a team is not only professional, but it is also a good laugh. The fact we have socials and little weekly perks is also a nice bonus to the job.

If you had not gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

If I hadn’t gone into marketing, I would have gone down the route of sports journalism. Although I did always want to do marketing, the thought of traveling and writing about one of my main hobbies also seemed great to me.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

If I could trade places with someone for a week it would be Marcus Rashford. The fact he plays football for a living and plays for Manchester United is an absolute dream of mine.  Id love to play in front of thousands of people every week.

What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy watching football and going to Old Trafford to see United. If I’m not watching football I enjoy just chilling with my mates and can’t really say no to a cold pint at the pub! My favourite thing to do in my spare time though is Snowboarding. 


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