Say Hello to Russ Gibbons, Our New Client Manager!

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Marathon runner of Rotterdam, to Man United Fan... meet our new client manager, Russ Gibbons!

Say 'hello' to Russ Gibbons, our new Client Manager!

It's time to say hello to our latest addition to the ClickThrough team, Russ Gibbons! Russ has joined us as our new Client Manager. You know what that means... it's time to get to know Russ in the usual ClickThrough Blog Post!


When did you join CLickThrough?

I joined on the 30th September 2021.


What does your role at ClickThrough involve?

My role is to manage and assist with account management on multiple clients.


What’s your background?

I’ve generally worked in customer facing roles and have worked in radio and affiliates. Before joining ClickThrough, my previous role was selling flexible plastic packaging, which wasn’t particularly exciting!


What do you love about your role at ClickThrough?

I love the variety that working with the clients and different departments offers – every day is different!


What do you like about ClickThrough and its culture?

It’s great working with like minded people and everyone is genuinely welcoming and experts at their job!


If you hadn’t gone into marketing, what would your other career option be?

Good question! I’d guess something customer facing or maybe project management (I’m not sure how realistic professional footballer is anymore!).


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, who would it be and why?

I think it would be Elon Musk – he’s at the cutting edge of technology and it’d be amazing to experience that and drive change that impacts everyone.


What do you do in your spare time?

I'm a big fan of sports both participating and watching - I'm a big Man United fan, which isn't what it used to be! I’ve just run the Rotterdam marathon so have spent a lot of time training for that, although when I’m not running, I can be frequently found in a pub trying different beers!


Would you like Russ and the ClickThrough team to help your brand grow? Get in touch! 

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